20 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences

Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences
Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences

Examples of Simple Present Tense

  • He loves to play table tennis.
  • She always sits in that chair.
  • Do you like to go to parties?
  • She cleans the room everyday.
  • It takes years to learn to play guitar.

  • I don’t wanna listen to that song.
  • I love eating but not excess eating.
  • She works for the Union Bank of India.
  • I vacuum the carpet twice every week.
  • I don’t know why I love that book.

  • Do you take sugar in your tea?
  • Do you know how to drive a car?
  • The lake stands at the top of the hill.
  • He gets up at 6 o’clock everyday.
  • My sister doesn’t like scary movies.

  • I don’t know what to order for lunch.
  • I don’t feel like doing anything today.
  • The River Thames flows through London.
  • What do you usually do on a weekend?
  • What time do you usually go to sleep?

More Examples of Simple Present Tense

  • We often spend Christmas at Prescott Hill.
  • The Earth revolves around the Sun once a year.
  • Do you like to sweeten your coffee?
  • I only smoke when I’m with friends.
  • How many people live in the apartments?

  • The farmer grows potatoes in this field.
  • Some students live on the University campus.
  • Do you like to sun yourself on the beach?
  • This bat eats the blood of other animals.
  • How often do you change your password?
  • You don’t like this movie and neither do I.
  • Do you have any tickets for the concert?