10 Examples of Proper Noun In A Sentences

Definition and Meaning of Proper Noun

The proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, day, month, thing, etc. It always begins with a capital letter. Such as – Rohit, Delhi, January, Nokia, LG, London, Beijing, Friday, etc.

10 Examples of Proper Noun
10 Examples of Proper Noun In A Sentences

10 Examples of Proper Noun In A Sentences

  1. In India, the cow is a sacred animal.
  2. After the accident, John was dazed.
  3. Please give me a Cadbury candy.
  4. She’ll arrive in New York at noon.
  5. She has a dog named Tommy.
  6. Only Julie and I have read the book.
  7. The last day in August is Tuesday.
  8. She is studying at Oxford University.
  9. We are going to Disneyland tomorrow.
  10. English is the most widely spoken language.