List of Adverbs In English

List of Adverbs

An adverb is a word that modifies or simplifies the meaning of a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

Adverbs typically answer (List of Adverbs) questions such as when, where, how, in what way, and to what extent.

Read Also: 10 Examples of Adverb In Sentences

List of Adverbs In English
List of Adverbs In English

List of Adverbs

  • accidentally
  • achingly
  • always
  • angrily
  • annoyingly
  • anxiously
  • audibly
  • awkwardly
  • badly
  • blindly
  • boastfully
  • boldly
  • bravely
  • brightly
  • briskly
  • casually
  • cheerfully
  • coyly
  • crazily
  • cruelly
  • daily
  • deafeningly
  • defiantly
  • deftly
  • dejectedly
  • deliberately
  • devotedly
  • doubtfully
  • dramatically
  • dutifully
  • eagerly

  • ear-splittingly
  • elegantly
  • emphatically
  • enormously
  • enviously
  • eventually
  • excitedly
  • expeditiously
  • faintly
  • faithfully
  • finally
  • fleetingly
  • foolishly
  • fortunately
  • frequently
  • generally
  • gleefully
  • gracefully
  • gradually
  • haltingly
  • happily

  • hastily
  • honestly
  • hopelessly
  • hourly
  • hungrily
  • hurriedly
  • immediately
  • inaudibly
  • innocently
  • instantly
  • irritably
  • jealously
  • joylessly
  • kindly
  • languidly
  • later
  • lazily
  • leisurely
  • loudly
  • madly
  • merrily
  • miserably
  • morosely
  • mortally
  • mysteriously
  • nervously

  • never
  • nightly
  • noiselessly
  • noisily
  • normally
  • obediently
  • obnoxiously
  • occasionally
  • often
  • painfully
  • perfectly
  • politely
  • poorly

  • powerfully
  • promptly
  • quickly
  • quietly
  • rapidly

  • rarely
  • regularly
  • resonantly
  • resoundingly
  • restlessly
  • rudely
  • sadly
  • safely
  • seldom
  • selfishly
  • seriously
  • shakily
  • shrilly
  • silently
  • slowly

  • softly
  • solemnly
  • sometimes
  • soon
  • soundlessly
  • speedily
  • sternly
  • still
  • swiftly
  • tediously
  • terribly
  • thunderously
  • today
  • tomorrow

  • unexpectedly
  • unhappily
  • uproariously
  • usually
  • victoriously
  • vivaciously
  • vociferously
  • warmly
  • weakly
  • wearily
  • weekly
  • wildly
  • yearly
  • yesterday

10 Examples of Adverbs In Sentences

  1. He slammed the door angrily.
  2. She answered me very rudely.
  3. He was badly hurt in the match.
  4. They just blindly followed orders.
  5. I am eagerly awaiting the interview.
  6. He has settled happily in Canada.
  7. The audience applauded loudly.
  8. He twisted his body painfully.
  9. She entertains her guest very poorly.
  10. Milk sours quickly in warm weather.