20 Examples of Adverbs of Time In Sentences

20 Examples of Adverbs of Time In Sentences | Adverbs of Time Sentences Examples

What Is an Adverb of Time?

An adverb of time is an adverb that describes when, for how long, or how often a certain action happened.

Adverb of time includes: already, always, daily, constantly, often, seldom, eventually, earlier, ever, finally, later, today, tonight, never, etc.

Read this: Adverb: Definition & Types

20 Examples of Adverbs of Time In Sentences

20 Examples of Adverbs of Time In Sentences

Below are 20 examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences. Adverbs of Time given in each sentence are marked with red color.

1. Your advice is always helpful to me.

2. Do you go running daily?

3. We will eventually meet today.

4. Finally, my sister got engaged.

5. These days, it rains frequently.

6. Typhoons generally head for Japan.

7. Trains leave at hourly intervals.

8. I’ll come to your house later.

9. He must never discover the truth.

10. The store is open nightly until 12:30 am.

11. Normally I take the bus to school.

12. I go to the gym quite often.

13. He rarely stays home on Sundays.

14. He went to the doctor regularly.

15. It seldom snows here in winter.

16. The flowers are still in bloom.

17. The flower will come out soon.

18. You look very charming today.

19. The weather is usually hot in June.

20. Property values are appreciated yearly.

List of Adverb of Time Word Examples

  • Already
  • Always
  • Annually
  • Before
  • Constantly
  • Daily
  • Earlier
  • Early
  • Eventually
  • Ever
  • Finally
  • First
  • Formerly
  • Fortnightly
  • Frequently
  • Generally
  • Hourly
  • Immediately
  • Infrequently
  • Just
  • Last
  • Last month
  • Last night
  • Last week
  • Late
  • Lately
  • Later
  • Monthly
  • Never
  • Next
  • Next month
  • Next week
  • Nightly
  • Normally
  • Not until
  • Now
  • Occasionally
  • Often
  • Previously
  • Quarterly
  • Rarely
  • Recently
  • Regularly
  • Seldom
  • Since
  • Sometimes
  • Soon
  • Still
  • Then
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Tonight
  • Usually
  • Weekly
  • Yearly
  • Yesterday
  • Yet