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Collective Noun Sentence Examples
Collective Noun Sentence Examples
- Which basketball team do you support?
- I always spend weekends with my family.
- She lost her baby in the crowd.
- A new family has moved into our street.
- A flock of sheep was grazing in the field.
- An army of ants marched across the path.
- A scientific team is searching for a vaccine.
- Yesterday the police caught a gang of thieves.
- The plane crashed but the crew are safe.
- A pod of dolphins is following our boat.
- The office staff refused to work on weekends.
- There are more girls in my class than boys.
- The orchestra is currently on tour in London.
- The people of Japan are wiser than America
- She received a bunch of flowers yesterday.
- The government provides food for the refugees.
- A cloud of butterflies flew over the flowers.
- I work in the Sales Administration department.
- The football team tried hard to win the match.
- I saw a school of fish swimming in the river.
- A lawsuit has been filed against the company.
- There lived a colony of bees on the tree.
- The company is run by a board of directors.
- A chain of islands was destroyed by the tsunami.
- A crowd of reporters had gathered outside the court.