20 Examples of Compound Nouns In Sentences

20 Examples of Compound Nouns In Sentences | Compound Nouns Sentences Examples

What is a Compound Noun?

A compound noun is a noun that is formed by a combination of two or more existing words. They are extremely common in English. The word classroom is an example of a compound noun formed from the words class and room.

A compound noun is not formed only from noun + noun, but they are also formed from other parts of speech like verbs, adjectives, prepositions, etc.

  • Noun + Noun = Classroom, Rainbow
  • Verb + Noun = haircut, bookmark
  • Adjective + Noun = greenhouse, blackboard
  • Preposition + Noun = underground, overnight
  • Verb + Preposition = breakdown, input

Read this: 20 Examples of Countable Nouns

20 Examples of Compound Nouns In Sentences
20 Examples of Compound Nouns Sentences

20 Examples of Compound Nouns In Sentences

Below are 20 examples of compound nouns in Sentences. Compound nouns given in each sentence are marked with blue color.

1. I like your new haircut.

2. When’s your birthday?

3. I have a lot of homework.

4. He is fond of playing football.

5. The firemen crushed out the fire.

6. The road ran beside a railway.

7. He wrestled with his classmate.

8. Dad reads the newspaper every day.

9. His grandfather was a professor.

10. The children played in the sunshine.

11. You must put on a raincoat.

12. Your heartbeat is quite normal.

13. I have a busy timetable this week.

14. He marked a square on the blackboard.

15. An airplane droned in the background.

16. The postman is carrying a parcel.

17. There is no airport in the locality.

18. I share a bedroom with my sister.

19. The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.

20. Shrimps are a popular type of seafood.