Adjective Examples In Sentences

Adjective Examples In Sentences
Adjective Examples In Sentences

Adjective Examples In Sentences

  • A little boy fell into the river.
  • We had a difficult test today.
  • John and Martin are good friends.
  • Sarah is as thin as his mother.
  • We are tired after the long trip.

  • Rohan took the stray dog home.
  • The post office is near to my school.
  • The fruit on the table is stale.
  • My boss laughed at my silly face.
  • Shilpa donated to a major charity.

  • A rocket is faster than a plane.
  • We ordered a large pizza for lunch.
  • The red bird flew towards the sky.
  • The library is behind the new school.

  • There is a scary spider in my room.
  • He threw a big stone into the river.
  • She helped me do the dirty dishes.
  • We ate pineapple cake after lunch.
  • The hungry cat ate all the food.
  • Two turtles swam together in the pond.