10 Examples of Adjectives In Sentences | Adjective Sentence Examples

10 Examples of Adjectives In Sentences - Adjective Sentence Examples

10 Examples of Adjectives In Sentences

Those words which describe the characteristic (quality, number, or quantity) of nouns or pronouns are called adjectives.

For example – big, black, tall, short, kind, cute, selfish, beautiful, dirty, good, bad, one, two, gorgeous, dangerous, evil, breakable, sleepy, stupid, aggressive, lazy, lucky, annoyed, brainy, colorful, average, dull, cheerful, etc.

1. I like funny movies better.

2. You and I are good friends.

3. I had major surgery last year.

4. Rohan took the stray dog home.

5. The hungry cat ate all the food.

6. I like to listen to soft music.

7. Dogs are intelligent animals.

8. There are two birds in the cage.

9. Rohit gave her a beautiful gift.

10. There is a big tree on the hill.

Read this: List of 100 Common Adjectives