20 Examples of Should In a Sentence | Should Examples Sentences

20 Examples of Should In a Sentence | Should Examples Sentences

20 Examples of Should In a Sentence
Should Examples Sentences

20 Examples of Should In a Sentence

‘Should’ is mainly used to express advice to someone or to take advice from someone and express possibility. It is also used to express a sense of obligation or duty.

1. You should take care of your child.

2. I have a cold. What should I do?

3. You should tell her the truth.

4. You should get your hair cut.

5. You should give up smoking.

6. We should be more careful.

7. I think we should help him.

8. You should learn how to swim.

9. People should stop wasting food.

10. She should be an English teacher.

11. We should respect our parents.

12. This shirt should not cost more than $20.

13. You should be punctual at work.

14. Ritika should apply for that post.

15. Eat your food, lest it should get cold.

16. Should we go to school today?

17. You should not hang out late at night.

18. You should visit her teacher at least once.

19. You should go to her party by car.

20. She should tell these things to her parents.

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