20 Examples of Would In a Sentence | Would Sentences Examples | Use Would In a Sentence

20 Examples of Would In a Sentence | Use Would In a Sentence | Would Sentences Examples

Use Would In a Sentence Would Sentences Examples
Would Sentences Examples

20 Would Sentences Examples

1. Would you like to dance with me?

2. She would be glad to hear that.

3. He told me he would go to Italy.

4. Would you mind lending me your pen?

5. If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.

6. I would like you to come with me.

7. Never did I dream that you would lose.

8. I would rather die than live in dishonor.

9. Would you please open the window?

10. If I were rich, I would help the poor.

11. If you invited her, she would definitely come.

12. Would you like a cup of coffee?

13. He would not tell us his secret.

14. I promised that I would go there.

15. What would you do if you met a ghost?

16. What would you like to be called?

17. What would you do, if you were me?

18. If I were you, I would never buy this car.

19. If you had friends, you wouldn’t feel so lonely.

20. If you took medicines, you would be cured by now.

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