20 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense

20 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense
20 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense

20 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense

  1. My parents are coming to visit me next month.
  2. The leaves are blowing away.
  3. The nurse is coming to give you an injection.
  4. The wind is blowing from the east.
  5. He is working in a lawyer’s company.
  6. Preeti is wearing a simple black dress.
  7. The monkey is beating up and down.
  8. The donkey is eating grass on the field.

  1. They are going from Shanghai to the UK.
  2. The children are playing hide-and-seek.
  3. The children are playing in the snow.
  4. The farmers are burning off the stubble.
  5. Our guests are sleeping in the spare room.
  6. He is studying engineering at college.
  7. We are thinking of going to Los Angeles.
  8. That little girl is wearing a cameo brooch.
  9. John and Mary are fighting a lot these days.
  10. Tom is studying for a degree in politics.
  11. Rohit is eating his lunch while working.
  12. I wonder where that smell is coming from?

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Exercise on Present Continuous Tense With Answers

  1. Mom _______ a delicious meal. (cook)
  2. I ____ a board game with my friend. (play)
  3. He _______ on a big project. (work)
  4. She _____ to memorize that song. (try)
  5. They _______ behind the wall. (hid)
  6. The maid _______ the floor. (sweep)
  7. We _______ to the supermarket. (go)
  8. Rohan ______ for his final exams. (study)
  9. Lucy ______ him up after the party. (pick)
  10. My son _______ a picture of lion. (draw)
  11. Your friend ______ for you. (still wait)
  12. Your friends ______ for you. (still wait)

Answer: 1- is cooking, 2- am playing, 3- is working, 4- is trying, 5- are hiding, 6- is sweeping, 7- are going, 8- is studying, 9- is picking, 10- is drawing, 11- is still waiting, 12- are still waiting.