Examples of Comparative Adjective Sentences

Examples of Comparative Adjective Sentences
Examples of Comparative Adjective Sentences

Examples of Comparative Adjective Sentences

1). She is far bolder than one would imagine.

2). He’s much brighter than all the other children.

3). Isn’t the sea calmer than the other day?

4). Emma can run faster than Olivia.

5). Sofia’s hair is thicker than mine.

6). The tortoise is slower than most animals.

7). Chilly peppers are spicier than bell peppers.

8). These slippers are cheaper than the green ones. 

9). The little boy is naughtier than his sister.

10). Drawing is easier for James than writing.

11). Rohan was even angrier than I had hoped.

12). Young birds are duller and lack the red combs.

13). False friends are worse than bitter enemies.

14). William’s car is much bigger than mine.

15). The black dog is smaller than the brown dog.

16). Emilia is nicer than her brother Henry.

17). Samuel is taller than all his brothers.

18). Rabbits are more common than tigers.

19). This butterfly is more colorful than that one.

20). This task is more difficult than the previous one.

Examples of Comparative Adjective Sentences

21). The Ganges river is longer than the Yamuna river.

22). Your kitchen is dirtier than your bathroom.

23). He is more intelligent than his sister Anna.

24). The men are taller than the women.

25). iPhone is more expensive than any other phone.

26). Rubi is more beautiful than her sister.

27). She is more intelligent than his mother.

28). My laptop is more expensive than yours. 

29). This blue dress is prettier than the pink one.

30). She is smarter than any other student in her class.

Examples of Comparative Adjective Sentences