50 Preposition Examples In Sentences

50 Preposition Examples In Sentences
50 Preposition Examples In Sentences

50 Preposition Examples In Sentences

  • She is fond of chocolates.
  • They don’t make a lot of money.
  • She is very good at writing emails.
  • I like sports like tennis and soccer.
  • James works for a big company.
  • He put all the things in a bag.
  • I found my keys underneath the rug.
  • Both my children live in Turkey.
  • 50 Preposition Examples In Sentences
  • He fell down and broke his legs.

  • I need to leave for the office soon.
  • The baby crawled across the floor.
  • The plane is flying above the clouds.
  • I go back to work at six o’clock.
  • We live in the center of the city.
  • He threw the stone into the river.
  • After dinner, they blew out the candles.
  • He leaned his back against the wall.
  • He parked his car along the sidewalk.

  • Cows are grazing beside the river.
  • The college is located next to the park.
  • May I clear the plates off the table?
  • There was a newspaper on the table.
  • He strapped the bag onto his bicycle.
  • She was in London for two months.
  • 50 Preposition Examples In Sentences
  • Michael washes his car on Sundays.

  • My uncle locked me out of the house.
  • We went outside to get some fresh air.
  • The restaurant is above the supermarket.
  • By the time I got there, they had gone.
  • That old church is hidden among trees.
  • She wore a necklace around her neck.
  • Rohan doesn’t drink tea/coffee at work.

  • My father is traveling in North America.
  • The wedding ceremony will be held in July.
  • The temple is far away from her home.
  • Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.
  • The sun disappeared behind the clouds.
  • He dived below the surface of the water.
  • There is a tree in front of the house.
  • There is a river between the two cities.
  • The station is situated near the school.

  • She put food inside an oven for cooking.
  • Traffic is very heavy during rush hour.
  • The fish disappeared beneath the waves.
  • They went direct from Delhi to Mumbai.
  • The elephant crashed through the forest.
  • Tom always goes to the office by bus.
  • The café is on the top floor of the mall.
  • She came to the party with her mother.
  • There is no need to cry over spilled milk.

50 Preposition Examples In Sentences